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Happy Holidays: Stress, Hangover & Weight Gain Free

In order to make the best of the holiday season, party or celebration,  there are some basic steps you can take in order to have both a great time and be able to stay on track with your nutrition and health.  As a Heath Coach I empower my clients to crowd out foods and drinks that may have negative effects on their health and holidays and parties and celebrations are no different.  Making a plan and being mindful of your intake the day of and during the party can help you to stay on track with your health.  You can also takes steps to ensuring that you feel good all night and the next day following your celebration...below are just some of the thing I like to do to support my health and well-being during the holidays and for parties.  The more of them you can do, the more you can ensure a happy and healthy time (and day after).



1.  During the week of a party...

  • Pay extra attention to the food you are eating.  Drink extra water, eat extra veggies and take your supplements.  The day of the party, you can eat lots of Serotonin boosting foods that can help us to feel warm and fuzzy instead of stressed and blue during the holiday season. 

  • Serotonin Boosting Foods: Free Range Turkey/Beef, Flaxseed/ Flaxseed oil/Nuts/Seeds, Buckwheat, Wild Fish and Seafood, Bananas, High quality Eggs, Sour Cherries, Sweet Potato, Brown Rice, Legumes (nice big bowl of Split Pea or Lentil Soup), Dark Chocolate

  • Drink More Water

  • Exercise...go for a nice walk

  • Meditate

  • Use Your Oils...Any and all "Feeling Oils" (Valor, Peace & Calming, Frankincense, Inner Child, Joy, Release, Lavender, Orange, Forgiveness, Harmony, Gathering, Present Time, Highest Potential


2. Day of the Party

  • Fill Up on Serotonin Boosting Foods, fruits and veggies.  Do not skip meals.  Eat a nutrient dense, filling meal right before you go to the party

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Oil Up - Use your favorite oils to support your well-being

  • Take Longevity Softcaps

  • Make a Drink with AlkaLime

  • Take MultiGreens Supplement

  • Avoid Caffeine right before the party.  Caffeine can cause you to feel worse.


3.  At the Party/Celebration

  • Drink a glass of water BETWEEN each "drink" (whether it is alcohol or not) - add 2-3 drops of Slique oil to curb appetite, 1-2 drops of peppermint to support digestion and tummy

  • Dilute your drinks with Club Soda (bring your own - most Club Soda has artificial flavors and high fructose corn syrup)

  • Drink Wine (Beer is just GMOs and Chemicals, and mixed drinks are artificial dyes and artificial sugars loaded with high fructose corn sugar).  Bring your own "organic" wine for yourself.

  • Use the smallest plate available

  • Don't create a food tower...keep going back

  • Load Up on the Crudité, Veggies and Fruit (don't hold away)

  • Watch the dips and spreads - they can be loaded with artificial ingredients and sugars

  • If you want dessert, enjoy a small piece.  

  • Bring Thieves Lounges to suck on or "Slique" Gum to chew

  • Take Your Enzyme.  My favorite (Essentialzyme-4)

  • Drink coconut water (lots of electrolytes)


4. After the Party

  • Take your Enzymes (Detoxzyme)

  • Drink your AlkaLime (just like the old fashion plop-plop, fizz-fizz)

  • Take an Active Charcoal (helps the body detox)

  • ImmuPro (boosts your immunity and helps your sleep)

  • Drink more water (at least 2 big glasses before you go to bed), and coconut water.  

  • Take your B-vitamins (drinking depletes your B's)


5. Morning After

  • Drink More Water...and another coconut water

  • If you are "hurting" from the festivities: In a veggie cap: Blend 5 drops of each: Copaiba, Frankincense, Balsam Fir.  Rub on "Deep Relief" on your temples and back of neck as needed, sip on peppermint water (1-2 drops of peppermint eo).  Rub Di-Gize on the tummy and/or take some AlkaLime for the "Not so happy tummy" effect. 

  • Hangover tonic of fennel, ginger, lemon, thyme and peppermint.  Mix with water or apply to body.

  • Take Mineral Essence & Rehemogen 

  • Take a Longevity Softbap (or rub Longevity eo on your feet) to support your immunity

  • When you’re hung over, your body churns out more cortisol...try using StressAway 4-5x a day for the next few days.

  • Make Ginger Tea (1 drop of Ginger eo with warm water...not too hot)-add a drop of lemon and a teaspoon of honey

  • Take a Ningxia Nitro or 2 for a quick pick me up

  • Take your B-vitamins (drinking depletes your B's)

  • Drink dandelion root tea 

  • Drink Lemon eo & Apple Cider Video for Liver Cleanse

  • Enjoy a Green Drink

  • Take your MultiGreens

  • Try some honey

  • Try some tomato juice mixed with a little cayenne pepper and lime essential oil.

  • Rest


 More Tips

  • Make Your Own Bone Broth...(make earlier and freeze - have ready to sip on that day)

  • Take a Epsom Salt Bath (add your favorite essential oil- peppermint or copiaba would be wonderful)

  • Adding Wasabi to your bath has been known to help with a hang-over

  • Use JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse, JuvaTone, Juva Spice...all liver detoxing products

  • Do some Yoga or go for a walk.  Sweat it out...

  • Get a Massage

  • Reflexology


Try Liver-twist post-party Yoga Pose

Perfect as a post-party liver purge, twisting yoga poses help to squeeze the alcohol out of the organs (imagine twisting a towel to squeeze out water).

- The Seated Twist

- Get out of bed and sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.

- Bend your left knee and cross your leg over your right, placing your left foot on the floor beside the outside of your right knee.

- Rotate your torso to the left so you are twisting your body.

- Bring your right arm across your body and place your right hand on the floor beside your left butt cheek. Use this arm to help you twist even more.

- Inhale big belly breaths. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Switch sides.


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